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Which movie have you watched most recently?

06 May, 2017

Welcome to Prey. A lot of this game is going to feel familiar — you’ll see bits and pieces from a dozen well-loved games in its DNA. But that doesn’t mean you’re going to immediately understand how everything works. That’s what we’re here for. Let’s talk about some of the habits you’re going to have to pick up, concepts you’ll have to learn and choices you’re going to be making as you play.

We’re going to break it down into three rough categories: Your world, your enemies (and ways to kill them) and yourself.

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06 May, 2017

I am using BootStrap 4, but they are asking me to use PHP framework, which I won't do. My code is secure against SQL injection, XSS and all other attacks, it is well organized, i was using OOP. I just think CodeCanyon will always find a reason to reject my work....

07 May, 2017

Yeah! This is really bad. Rejecting an item because its not using a PHP framework(no matter what the script is doing) is a wrong move I think. There are a lot of people reporting this problem(Rejected because of not using a framework).

Can you stop ADP, and create new option for author can create coupon code, Author will give for their customer. It's better than now.

08 May, 2017

I will, but I'm not doing it for me, i'll open ticket for the community.
I got accepted with no problems on other marketplace.

Yeah! This is really bad. Rejecting an item because its not using a PHP framework(no matter what the script is doing) is a wrong move I think.

Subscribers may download more than an ad-hoc purchaser on a marketplace, but by retaining subscribers over time (paying money every month), there’s more money in total for contributors.

This post has been hidden by a moderator. Received too much downvotes.

09 May, 2017

Does our 60% more expensive milk go well with your 60% more expensive coffee?

Can you stop ADP, and create new option for author can create coupon code, Author will give for their customer. It's better than now.

Jun 12

31 / 75

Jun 17
6h ago
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